What a wonderful week celebrating old traditions stories and skills at Glen Outdoor from 25th to 29th April. Now that we’re back to reality (and 2016!), we’d like to thank each and every person who helped us mark our ‘Step Back 100 Years’ celebrations especially to all staff at Early Learning Schools’ for their support and hard work preparing for the week.

Without the help of the local community who loaned us their artefacts it wouldn’t have been possible to do all the lovely and memorable activities that we did. A special “Thank You” to Seamus Crawford, Brendan Boyle, Paddy Gildae, Charlie Callaghan and The Auction House for allowing us use their many items.

To all who came and helped demonstrate the old ways and share stories we are grateful. Adults and children enjoyed and learned from these practical hands on experiences. A massive “Thank You” to Rosemary Crawford and Imelda Callaghan for showing the children how to churn butter and bake bread the traditional way, using the open fire and hot coals at Glen Outdoor School, and to Karen for making jam with them.

To Niall Mc Ginley for telling stories and sharing photos of the different types of transport, especially the first car to come to Donegal in the 1900’s which came to Glenswilly with IH 1 on the number plate. Niall also had an old shop book which had prices of items bought in the day. Tea, sugar and bread were 10p (that is old pennies, which is about 4p in today’s money).Thanks to Bríd Kelly for teaching Irish dancing, to Johnny Friel and Kieran Diver who made toys with the children to Con McFadden and Fulton Buchanan for showing the children how to plant and sow vegetables.

Thanks to all who joined us from the community, parents, friends and family, Gerry Mc Monagle, Mayor, Cllr. Ian Mc Garvey, the First Holy Communion class with their teachers from Glenswilly National School and Anne Mc Ateer, Health Promotion Officer with the HSE who called to Glen Outdoor School to experience the fun and celebrations.

It was a wonderful week enjoyed by children, parents and staff alike, and an important reminder that the children of today will shape our communities for the coming 100 years. We hope many of the children attending Early Learning Schools and who put their vision for the future in our time capsule will be back to dig it up in April 2036. A date for your diary!!!